
What to expect on this site.

This site is a collection of articles. Each represents the view of its author at the time of writing the article. Data change, and people change. So please keep that in mind.

The articles you find here mostly address issues in places the authors lived/live in and/or understand well. That does not mean a place, a country or a group is being singled out.

When an individual or a group of people feel they are being criticized, they are quick to point at others in a desperate attempt to redirect the blame or allude to the lack of objectivity. If there is something wrong with A, pointing out what is wrong with B does not change what is wrong with A nor make it more acceptable. During the civil rights movements in the US, many authors wrote about the struggle of black people in America and the discrimination they suffered, does not make them not "objective" because they did not write about the "struggle of whites"!!

Feel free to look around. Social media connections are still under revision, so the links are not working at the moment. That will be fixed soon.